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Music at the UCC

“Praise him with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and harp! Praise him with tambourine and dance; praise him with strings and pipe! Praise him with sounding cymbals; praise him with loud clashing cymbals! Let everything that has breath praise the LORD! Praise the LORD!” ~Psalm 150:3-6


UCC music is as diverse as its congregation.  If you play it or sing it, we can find a place for it!  We strive to provide a wide variety of musical opportunities for every age, which connect and inspire us as church family.  We call together musicians from our congregation to sing in choirs, offer special music and play in orchestras.  We also love to pull from the depth of talent found in our wider university community. We value music as an element in our service, which enriches our spirit and takes us to a deeper level of devotion than spoken words alone.

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Adult Choir

If you are in high school and beyond and wish to join the song – there’s a place for you in the UCC Adult Choir!!  This spirited group shares an anthem each Sunday and features two extended works a year.  Music repertoire is chosen with careful attention to programming a variety of styles ranging from the most classical to the newest of settings.  The adult choir rehearses weekly to prepare for Sunday worship, September through May.

Adult Bell Choir

UCC bell choir plays in worship twice a year with rehearsals about 6 weeks prior to playing in church.

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Special Music

The UCC often brings in local talent to perform during church services. It can be anything from a single musician to an orchestra to accompany hymns or major work.


UCC is a great supporter of Vermillion Community Theatre (VCT).  Support includes resources such as rehearsal space and many UCC parishioners participate with VCT productions.


If you are interested in participating in any of these activities, please contact us!

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